Making One Health Better Biome for One Health
Making One Health Better Biome for One Health

V1bio is a biotechnology company that was founded with the objective of creating a healthy and valuable one-health ecosystem and revolutionizing the lives of patients worldwide through innovative microbiome therapies. In pursuit of this goal, the company is actively engaged in the research and development of a range of immune and anti-cancer treatments as well as animal health nutrition products using one-health microbiomes. These treatments have the potential to significantly improve the lives of individuals and animals suffering from various diseases and conditions that affect the immune system. V1bio is committed to utilizing cutting-edge technology and research to develop groundbreaking treatments that have the power to transform the lives of patients globally.
' Top-tier microbiome biotechnology company '
We are dedicated to pursuing groundbreaking microbiome to discover and develop medicines
Our mission is to provide the better lives of patients worldwide with revolutionary One Health microbiome and solutions
Respect for people, Act with intergrity
Communication with open-minded
Continuous challenge for innovation
One Health microbiome library
Microbiome profiling (AI & BI)
Multi-omics analysis, Translational research
Live biotherapeutic product
Oncology, Immunology
One Health microbiome (human, ainimal)
Collaborative research
2023. 05. V1bio-HK Komar Pet quasi-drugs MOU to co-operate on microbiome product
2022. 10. V1bio-Daewoong Pet MOU to co-operate on microbiome product for companion dog
2022. 08. V1bio-Ahnkook pharm MOU to co-operate on microbiome R&D
2022. 08. Establishment of a research institute (wet-lab)
2022. 08. Selection of TIPA ValueUp program by Korea Technology and Information Promotion Agency for SMEs
2022. 04. Selection of youth employment intern system participating company by the Ministry of Employment and Labor
2022. 03. Selection of KIT family company by the Korea Insitute of Toxicology
2022. 02. Selection of 2022 TIPS program by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups
2021. 12. Selection of K-STARTUP venture post-support program by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups
2021. 12. Certification of the company-affiliated research institute
2021. 11. Seed funding by the DAEWOONG Pharmaceuticals
2021. 11. Certification of the venture company
2021. 09. Seed funding by the Schmidt
2021. 05. Establishment of V1bio Inc
V1bio Inc. Room 1605, B-dong, Songpa-daero 167, Songpa-gu, Seoul
2024년 한 해, 많은 도전과 어려움 속에서도
변함없는 응원과 성원을 보내주신 모든 분들께
깊은 감사의 마음을 전합니다.
2025년 을사년,
건강과 행복이 가득한 한 해가 되시기를 진심으로 기원하며,
새로운 시작을 함께할 수 있기를 기대합니다.
새로운 성과를 만들어내고,
성장하는 한해가 될 수 있도록 하겠습니다.
감사합니다 !