"LV1 BEAGLE," is named in honor of the Beagle, a ship that played a pivotal role in both the history of biology and humanity. The Beagle, whose name is derived from the breed of small hound known for its acute sense of smell, embarked on a renowned voyage in 1831 from England, traveling through Brazil and Uruguay before arriving at the Galápagos Islands. It was on the Galápagos Islands that Charles Darwin discovered over 30 species of finches with slightly different beak shapes, leading him to the understanding that species can change over time due to environmental and other conditions. After continuing his research, Darwin eventually published the book "The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection," which is widely regarded as one of the most significant discoveries in science and has had a profound impact on various facets of human civilization. The researchers at V1bio, inspired by Darwin's journey on the Beagle to fundamentally alter the truth, strive to create a healthy and valuable one-health ecosystem through their work at the "LV1 BEAGLE" research laboratory, named in honor of the Beagle, and to bring about change in the lives of patients worldwide through innovative microbiome therapies.
V1bio Inc. Room 1605, B-dong, Songpa-daero 167, Songpa-gu, Seoul
2024년 한 해, 많은 도전과 어려움 속에서도
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